A long time ago, in galaxy far, far away …actually it’s about here and now.
Happy Star Wars Day - May the 4th Be With You.
I couldn’t resist using Star Wars one of my favourite films and franchises.
I have wanted to write about some of the observations and reflections I have about people’s behaviour during the pandemic. I wasn’t sure what to title it or how to actually phrase some of the ideas as they were forming but I think a thread has developed, so here goes.
I am currently reading -The 8th Habit by Stephen Covey. It’s a book that I have had for over 15 years (as you know I am a Covey and Habits fan), but had not been able to get traction into this book till now. A quote near of the beginning of the book worth contemplating on is:
In this wonderful video and song by Nimo Patel and Daniel Nahmod from Empty Hands music captures the above quote quite well. Very uplifting song and video.
Before you read any further watch this A pale blue dot - humbling video. It is awesome, out of this world and less than 3.5 minutes long, watch in full screen with full attention and contemplation.
I have made judgements, I know we are not supposed to judge, but still I have made judgements based on my observations of behaviour how they either align to or break my perceptions/beliefs of values, universal principles and moral laws.
In the Together in Isolation I shared a Shantaram book concept, which I reshare here.
What is an objective, universally acceptable definition of good and evil?
„In order to know about any act or intention or consequence, we must first ask two questions. One, what would happen if everyone did this thing? Two, would this help or hinder the movement toward complexity?” – Khaderbhai
(Complexity meaning God)
What I found more relevant in everyday life: there are no good or bad people. There are only “good deeds” and “bad deeds” and the sum of those deeds – the actions we perform – are what make us into someone good or bad— Gregory David Edwards - Shantaram
Evil or Bad behaviour stems from a centre of Fear while Good Behaviour flows from a centre of Love.
started with the motto
“Don’t be evil”
which has now been changed to
“do the right thing”
Using that concept is how I am defining good or evil/bad. I read about, watched or was told of the following bad behaviours:
Stockpiling of food and toilet paper which meant health care people were not able to get. Tearful plea from Nurse Dawn
Stockpiled food being thrown away weeks later unused
People packing into tube trains, supermarkets, pubs, clubs, parks and beaches when social distancing and staying at home has been requested. Dr Jack on LBC radio making emotional please for people to stay at home
People ignoring the social distancing guidelines
Blind forward of messages and information creating fear (see previous article)
Idiots out and about when they should be at home, who cough on the police as the police try to do their job and keep people safe
People including celebrities going out and about when they are showing symptoms thereby infecting others
Price hikes on popular items
Scams emerging to take advantage of people
Coronavirus: Arrests after men lick hands and wipe supermarket food
In my opinion these stem from fear, ignorance, selfishness, other lower emotions and energies.
An article by Miranda Birch has captured an interview with my cousin Sanjay Shah, an Emotional Intelligence Coach. It covers the 3 things that drive us: Security, Approval and Control and sheds light on why some behave from a base of fear and others from higher energy emotions such as peace, acceptance and courage. Love is not listed but I would say it is synonymous with peace which is at the top of the list. Very useful insights and thoughts for individuals and businesses especially in current pandemic circumstances. Sanjay was the one who in 1994 introduced me to Tony Robbins and Personal Development, an area that has been a major impact in my life.
“The moment you accept a situation energetically – if you accept it rather than pretend to accept it – you are already above the line. You respond in a better way. You make different decisions and take different actions, which will then create better results for you, your company and your clients.”
Many good behaviours stem from good intentions and a centre of love, compassion and a common humanity.
Variety of roles and professions doing their jobs while putting themselves at risk to save the lives of others. Key workers including but not exclusive to : doctors, nurses, hospital staff (cleaners, suppliers, reception etc), pharmacists, teachers, carers, care home staff, supermarket staff, garbage collection teams, transport providers (bus, tube,taxi drivers), supply chain delivery teams and drivers
Companies focused on making and supplying safety equipment
People working or treatments, vaccines and medicines
Companies redeploying staff or making changes to their working methods e.g. John Lewis closing retail stores and deploying staff to Waitrose food supermarkets, Fast food and coffee shops being only take away not sit in restaurant, Santander Bank making Santander bikes available free to hospital staff
People sensibly applying social distancing, stay at home, self isolation and hand washing
Transport For London telling people not to travel!
The Excel Exhibition Centre in London being re-purposed as the Nightingale Hospital in less than 10 days
Airline staff who can not fly due to grounded planes being giving opportunity to put their first aid and customer caring skills to use as volunteers in the Nightingale Hospital
Over 700K people signing up to be NHS Volunteers
Many caterers and food outlets producing and delivering meals for free to hospital staff
Countless acts of kindness, generosity and good will for elderly, vulnerable, those self isolating and those in need
From The Science of Happiness we know that contribution, service, compassion, kindness, love, empathy, cooperation, meaning, purpose, learning, love, care giving and common humanity all are components for our happiness and well being. These are exhibited in the good behaviour actions.
“When the history of the world and of institutions, societies, communities and families is finally written, the dominant theme will be the degree to which people have lived not by their socialised conscience but by their divine conscience. That is the innate, intuitive wisdom contained in the principles during philosophies of the world. It won’t be geopolitics, economics, government, wars, social culture, art, education or churches. The moral or spiritual dimension - how true people and institutions are to universal, timeless principles of right and wrong - will be the overarching and underlying supreme governing force”
Stephen Covey - The 8th Habit from Effectiveness to Greatness
A pale blue dot - humbling video well worth watching. It is awesome, out of this world and less than 3.5 minutes long, watch in full screen with full attention and contemplation (repeated here in case you missed it near beginning of article).
Some videos on the Power of Love and very informative and powerful. The first is an Interview with Sister Jayanti from the Brahma Kumaris discussing the situation of the coronavirus, the power of love, meditation and Soul consciousness.
The Brandon Bays video on The Power of Love, a supposedly letter from Albert Einstein. On the internet there is debate as to if this letter was actually written by Albert Einstein. Irrespective of that, the message is awesome and worth listening to and contemplating.
On 6th May 2020 Young Jains as part of Enriching Conversations are having a session on “Conquer Your Darkside -May the ForceBe With You” about overcoming Anger, Greed, Ego and Deceit in all their flavours.
A request dear friend and reader.
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Shaileen Shah is a Happiness Coach, Speaker and Trainer. Previously having been in finance technology for the investment banking arm of RBS during the RBS takeover of Natwest, the RBS takeover of ABN Ambro and the financial crisis he has experienced the challenges brought by uncertainty, change and stress. He is certified in The Science of Happiness and shares through Happy Life Habits. Happy Life Habits Positively Impacts Happiness & Well Being Levels by creatively and uniquely combining Personal Development + The Science of Happiness + Spirituality. A business for Good; supporting the UNs Sustainable Development Goals. For more information see HappyLifeHabits.co.uk.