BUSINESS FOR GOOD — Happy Life Habits

Happy Life Habits is designed from the start as a business for good. It’s mission:

Positively Impacting Happiness & Well-Being Levels so that individuals, groups, communities and companies can engage with life in a happier, kinder, effective & more meaningful way for the greater good.

Expressing some of the companies values which include Gratitude, Kindness, Service, Making a Difference & Win-Win Relationship; Happy Life Habits supported from 2018 -2020 the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals by partnering with the organisation B1G1 - which stands for Buy 1 Give 1. Buy a product or service and in doing so we give to make a positive impact related to the Sustainable Development Goals.

Pay it Forward Fund

A sponsored or part sponsored space on the excellent, life changing, mind shifting 30 Day Happy Life Habits Gratitude & Journal Habit Immersion Training Course (worth £150+) or other training/service.

As a Happiness Coach, Speaker and Trainer I have experienced Mental Health challenges such as stress, grief, loneliness, etc. One of the practices that science says and certainly has been my experience for better mental and emotional wellbeing is the practice of gratitude and journaling.

That is why during the start of the pandemic in 2020 we launched the 30 Day training course that has positively impacted many. There are many benefits that I can't list here but refer you to the dedicated web page for the course.

Through some generous seed funding from my old badminton club, Sonal Dave and others who see the benefits of the work we do have a small Pay It Forward fund.

If you or you know someone who may benefit from the Training Course but at the current moment are not able to due to financial reasons then the Pay It Forward Fund can help. As the name says Pay It Forward is someone having paid before to allow this opportunity. If you do take up the Pay It Forward funding we hope that when circumstances change for you that you are able to help Pay It Forward for someone else.

On registration form in the referral code put "Pay It Forward Fund" if you want to request use of the fund.

When you do business with Happy Life Habits we create a Win-Win Relationship. We provide you with outstanding value with the products and services we supply. You and recipients of the service/product get a positive impact in happiness and well being levels. Happy Life Habits gets to serve its mission, do what it does best and be compensated for the value created.

This allows it to continue to provide the services to individuals, companies, corporations, organisations as well as free services to community groups, charities and individuals.

However, together we impact and support bringing greater good to the world.