Inspiration Point — Happy Life Habits

Inspiring, positive, (extra) ordinary people sharing their journey, challenges, turning points, daily habits and learning through personal development, happiness and spirituality.

Format : Podcast, interview conversation style that will be recorded 1 hour:  30-40 mins interview then 10-15 Q&A

The kind of questions that will be asked are:

  • What makes you happy?

  • What are you currently doing that inspires you?

  • What has been your journey? Challenges and major turning points?

  • What are the daily habits and routines that support you?

  • What is one of your favourite quotes?

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The name Inspiration Point for this project came about from a visit to Bryce Canyon. With my 2 brothers and their families; our family did a Road Trip of some of the Canyons in the USA. We were staying in a lodge on the rim of Bryce Canyon waking up early in the morning to watch the sunrise over the canyon. The 9 of us walked the few minutes from our lodge to the viewpoint to enjoy the beautiful scene of the sunrise colours lighting up the canyon as it unfolded. We decided to trek along one of the trails and continue observing the unfolding and awesome views. After progress along the trail we came to a trickier part of the trail. The journey onwards was to the viewpoint named Inspiration Point. The group split, with some heading back to the lodge while my 2 brothers, my son and myself venturing forwards towards Inspiration Point.

Much like the journey of life we took it in turns to lead, support each other during tricky terrain, encourage each other when tired, have conversations, laughter and connect. Whilst we moved forward to our destination we took moments to stop, look back and realise how far we had come, stop to enjoy and savour right where we were and keep aware of our goal. The Journey was as inspiring, positive and fulfilling as the destination.

If you would like to sponsor any of the episodes please get in touch

If you would like to take part as an interviewee on this project please fill out this form

We are grateful to Balance Consultancy for sponsoring the entire 6 episodes of series 4.


Past Episodes

We are grateful to Balance Consultancy ( for sponsoring the entire 6 episodes of series 3. Karupa Patel - Wonder Woman Born to lead a life of adventure, challenges and whatever may come. A very happy go lucky person who has thrived in every opportunity.

We are grateful to Balance Consultancy ( for sponsoring the entire 6 episodes of series 3. Sonal Dave - Wonder Woman Born with congenital hip dysplasia and been in 3 car accidents - not her fault!. "You just have to choose to want it and then go and get it."

We are grateful to Balance Consultancy ( for sponsoring the entire 6 episodes of series 3. Hansa Pankhania - Wonder Woman Stress Resilience & Wellbeing Expert and Author, Executive Coach and Speaker, and cherishes the opportunity to support the world in managing the stress and anxiety that is prevalent in society today.

We are grateful to Balance Consultancy ( for sponsoring the entire 6 episodes of series 3. Mary Thomson Wonder Woman Born in South Africa and raised under Apartheid, Mary experienced and witnessed the devastating consequences of racism to people living under the White regime in government When Mary was 7 her parents moved to lecture at a Theological Seminary which was based in a small white racist farming town called Alice, opposite Fort Hare University which Nelson Mandela attended.

We are grateful to Balance Consultancy ( for sponsoring the entire 6 episodes of series 3. Sacha Clark Wonder Woman A reformed corporate marketeer 2 decades in senior marketing roles managing teams and big budgets for multinational brands before she realised she was no longer happy and didn't laugh enough Taking time out to retrain in Happiness she set about creating a portfolio of things that give her joy, leveraged her expertise and make her feel fulfilled in life.

We are grateful to Balance Consultancy ( for sponsoring the entire 6 episodes of series 3.

We are grateful to Balance Consultancy ( for sponsoring the entire 6 episodes of series 2. Lifewalla might be someone who holds the key to life. Nina's experiences certainly have shaped her to be that - going from being a loner introvert to outgoing extrovert when needed.

We are grateful to Balance Consultancy ( for sponsoring the entire 6 episodes of series 2. Ajay loves superheroes, from Batman and Spiderman to Luke Skywalker. He is a GP in Birmingham and the senior partner in one of the most innovative health centres in the region.

We are grateful to Balance Consultancy ( for sponsoring the entire 6 episodes of series 2. Selina the first black female double award-winning Mediator, CEO & Founder of a Mediation service company. SMG will share her journey to becoming a mediator, providing mediation services and what exalts her.

We are grateful to Balance Consultancy ( for sponsoring the entire 6 episodes of series 2. Lucky to recover from a sudden, serious brain injury at just 30 years old, Niraj became obsessed with learning about health, vitality and the human brain. Today he works at the intersection of well-being and technology.

We are grateful to Balance Consultancy ( for sponsoring the entire 6 episodes of series 2. Lisa Moore for her 40th decided to run the London Marathon, as she crossed the finish line she felt empty, unfulfilled and trapped.

We are grateful to Balance Consultancy ( for sponsoring the entire 6 episodes of series 2. Mel is a trainer and stand-up comedian, who passionately believes in joy, confidence and kindness being the keys to success in work and in life.

We are grateful to Raymond James Stanmore ( for sponsoring the entire 6 episodes of series 1. Following a collapse at work due to pressure and exhaustion, Shandip has successfully changed direction and now runs his own business helping hundreds of people around the UK to bring them peace of mind.

We are grateful to Raymond James Stanmore ( for sponsoring the entire 6 episodes of series 1. Beejal became a lecturer at the age of 24 and a senior lecturer at 26. After 6 years she suffered burnout followed by a breakdown after 21 years as a University Lecturer and diagnosed with 2 autoimmune conditions.

We are grateful to Raymond James Stanmore ( for sponsoring the entire 6 episodes of series 1. A series of life challenges culminating in a heart attack by the age of 42 contributed to some hard and fast lessons for Sanjay in how to live a more fulfilled life without sacrificing career, relationships and health.

We are grateful to Raymond James Stanmore ( for sponsoring the entire 6 episodes of series 1. Chantal has been pivotal in transforming the UK chocolate scene from largely industrially produced to the current vibrant artisan led sector especially luxury dark chocolates and beautiful design.

Inspiring, positive, (extra) ordinary people sharing their journey, challenges, turning points, daily habits and learning through personal development, happiness and spirituality. The kind of questions that will be asked are: What makes you happy? What are you currently doing that inspires you? What has been your journey? Challenges and major turning points?

We are grateful to Raymond James Stanmore ( for sponsoring the entire 6 episodes of series 1. During the covid19 pandemic Nick's health suffered for many weeks due to the virus, his partner needed an emergency operation and he lost his mother who had Dementia. How does someone who shares Inspired Leadership stay inspired?