Mental Health can and will impact everyone of us in some way : directly or indirectly. The better aware we are the better we can respond. The below video is a Jain faith story being used here to highlight how a person may appear externally does not reflect what is going on internally. The image below it (shared to me by Nisanka Wickramarachchi) shares some of the physical issues that manifest due to mental health. At Happy Life Habits we share that health, happiness and the human being are based on 4 main inter- related dimensions: Physical, Mental, Social/Emotional and Spiritual. An impact in any one has a knock on effect on others. A 4 are very much connected.
Mental Health can manifest as physical issues (image by Mellow Doodles).
Mental Health Awareness Week 9 -15 May 2022 : Theme Loneliness
Happy Life Habits (HLH) is again supporting Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW). This year The Mental Health Foundation has chosen the theme of Loneliness. This theme is a very important to me personally, I’ve written about it many a time and we strive to create Happy Life Habit events to have a sense of community, connection, interaction and belonging to help avoid loneliness.
Am I alone in thinking; actually; in believing that loneliness need not exist. We have the power in our choices of thought, speech, action to increase a bit more kindness, compassion, love, forgiveness, friendliness, mindfulness and gratitude in our interactions; to mean no one need ever feel alone. We are social animals and expressing these virtues lead to pro-social behaviours; a sense of connection and community.
- Shaileen Shah
This article from the Mental Health Foundation explains why the theme of loneliness. It shares:
Loneliness is the feeling we experience when there is a mismatch between the social connections we have and those that we need or want.
It found that the warmth of our relationships throughout life had the greatest impact on our life satisfaction and health.
During the lockdowns, we found that loneliness was almost 3 times that of pre-pandemic levels.
The Paradox is you are not alone in feeling alone.
When have you experienced Mental Health Challenges or loneliness? How did you feel? What did you do? What Helped?
I've felt lonely or experience Mental Health challenges:
1st week and 1st year at University - had no immediate like minded friend circle.
During the Summer when finishing an MSc. - Most of the other students had left the city.
In my first job during my twenties for a US consultancy when I was posted in the US for a few weeks/months - first and only birthday and Diwali on my own without family or friends.
When on honeymoon in the Maldives and better half needed an emergency operation. In a time when mobiles did not readily exist, international calls were expensive; we needed to deal with this on our own.
At work when there was after work drinks at pub, being a non-drinker and introverted I felt out of place.
When I suffered work related stress - felt could not talk to anyone.
At the start of the pandemic - see Together in Isolation article.
I felt disconnected, on my own, low, no drive.
Here are some snippets and links (click title) to Happy Life Habits articles on Mental Health, Connection, Loneliness etc. Plus one from The Charity Mind.
Together in Isolation
The communities that I am a part of; being for me a source of faith, learning, growth, health, service and social activity were all stopping events and activity - badminton clubs, youth clubs, Jain Faith School, Jain Faith Convention, meditation circles, etc. This was impacting my sense of connection, community, clarity and meaning.
— Shaileen Shah - Together in Isolation
The Ups and Downs of a Happiness Coach
During this pandemic I have been craving for connection both people to people and grateful for the technology connections, I guess with the previous articles on Happier Relationships and what I have learnt over time I understand the importance of this to our happiness, well being and mental health. I have also been through the turbulence of insecurities and validation issues.
Houston we have a problem : we’ve lost connection
Imagine if I was not in good Mental Health and maybe even Suicidal what could have happened if that one email did not come through? I know from website statistics that more than one person had read the article. The picture on the article of me sitting on a chair , on a cliff edge looking out and contemplating could have turned into standing up and taking a few steps to the cliff edge and then a few more steps…
What do we all have in common? Community
Happy Life Habits (HLH) has been working hard to serve and cultivate a community of people who want to positively impact happiness and well-being levels. When we are happy, kind, optimistic or hopeful by contagion the people around us also feel that. An act of kindness done to one person ripples out to 6 others and then with each of those 6 rippling to another 6 for three further levels.
No man is an island
They remind us we do not achieve things on our own (poem), that what/who we are surrounded by (our community, environment) has an impact on us (corn story) and we have an impact on others; and finally that real wealth, happiness and life satisfaction is in being kind, giving and making a difference to others.
The Charity Mind Resources on Loneliness
Explains loneliness, including the causes of loneliness and how it relates to mental health problems. Gives practical tips to help manage feelings of loneliness, and other places you can go for support.
Feeling lonely isn't in itself a mental health problem, but the two are strongly linked. Having a mental health problem can increase your chance of feeling lonely.
Here are a set of curated videos on the theme of loneliness and how to deal with it.
We are partnering with some groups, organisations and individuals to support in terms of awareness, community and connection. These are : Mind In Enfield and Barnet, Young Jains, Oshwal Connect, Manish Gohel (Asian Parents Club, Business Club) , Reshna Shah, Aarti O Gosrani (Oshwal Connect), Sonal Dave, Priya Shah, Hansa Pankhania and Martine Drake (Mind In Enfield and Barnet) . We ae also very grateful to Shandip Shah from Balance Consultancy in providing sponsorship for this project.
Daily Evening sessions (will be recorded) with guest speakers followed by activity to foster connection & community.
Sessions on
Panel discussion on Community & Connection
The charity Mind in Enfield & Barnet sharing on Mental Health and Loneliness
How to overcome Loneliness
Stress & Anxiety in the Workplace
Suicide Prevention
See the posters below or events page for more details.
Day 1
Recordings of sessions
Here are a set of short, useful videos that Happy Life Habits has created on Mental Health drawing on my own experience of Mental Health. They share some stories, concepts, quotes and actions for you to take.
What is Mental Health?
Impact of Stress
Loneliness & Depression
Happy Life Habits
These all help our well being
If you want to receive articles, information on events and support Happy Life Habits sign up to the join the email list.
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Shaileen Shah is a Happiness Coach, Speaker and Trainer. Previously having been in finance technology for the investment banking arm of RBS during the RBS takeover of Natwest, the RBS takeover of ABN Ambro and the financial crisis he has experienced the challenges brought by uncertainty, change and stress. He is certified in The Science of Happiness and shares through Happy Life Habits. Happy Life Habits Positively Impacts Happiness & Well Being Levels by creatively and uniquely combining Personal Development + The Science of Happiness + Spirituality. A business for Good. For more information see