Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 : 15th - 21st May: Theme Anxiety

Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 : 15th - 21st May: Theme Anxiety

Happy Life Habits (HLH) is again supporting Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) and the theme of Anxiety.

Mental Health and anxiety is about what is going on inside with our thoughts and feelings. We all feel moments of anxiety due to various things which can include health, work, loved ones, money worries, exams and life/world events.

You are not alone in feeling anxiety. It has been show to increase in recent years.

According to a survey by the Mental Health Foundation 25% (1 in 4) adults reported feeling anxious.

It's how we cope with it that matters. HLH has a dedicated Mental Health WhatsApp group as part of its Community. During MHAW we will share daily tips, quotes, resources to cope with anxiety.

3 is The Magic Number

3 is The Magic Number

Three is a magic number. Many good things come in 3s and it is small enough for our brains to work with.

I had put a request out on LinkedIn and Facebook. I am working on a blog article related to things in 3s such as:

Mind, Body and Spirit

Heaven, Earth, Hell

Past, Present, Future

Gas, Liquid, Solid

Creator, Maintainer, Destroyer

or 3 positive words such as

Enthusiastic, Inspiring and Encouraging

Any 3s that come to mind for you that I may be able to include in the article?

What 3 virtues would you like to be remembered for?

What are 3 items of clothing that give you joy?

Inner Cheerleader instead of Inner Critic

Inner Cheerleader instead of Inner Critic

Inner Cheerleader instead of Inner Critic

2, 4, 6 8 Who Do We Appreciate?

Do you sometimes amaze yourself?

We often succumb to the inner critic we all have who tells us we can't do it, we not worthy, we are not good enough, it's going to fail etc.

I believe we have an Inner Cheerleader too.

Gratitude is my Super Power

Gratitude is my Super Power

Gratitude is my superpower. When I am immersed in the feeling of gratitude I come alive, have hope, optimism, see some many possibilities, am creative and very productive. My whole energy is different - feel very positive, connected and grounded.

  • Gratitude is my Superpower


  • What are your Superpowers?

  • Thanksgiving

  • Inner Compass Good Life

  • Outstanding Black Friday Offer

What do you Value?

What do you Value?

What do you value?

I am not talking about material/physical things but a deeper sense of what are your inner values that matter you most?

Each year organised by World Values Day there is a day dedicated for us to remember, reflect and consider values and their impact for us as individuals, schools, community groups, organisations, nations and as the human race.

World Values Day 2022 is on Thursday 20th October and has a variety of activities and events around the world for us to get involved with on the theme if community.


Her Majesty The Queen 1926 - 2022 Happy Life Habits : Positive Grief : The Dash

Her Majesty The Queen 1926 - 2022     Happy Life Habits : Positive Grief : The Dash

I share this poem, The Dash, in the Happy Life Habits Positive Grief talks along with some science of what grief does to the brain, ways to cope with grief and help others.

The poem is short yet very powerful, timely and reflective.

Back to the Future: Creating memories to Savour

Back to the Future: Creating memories to Savour

The word savour (savor in American English) is an interesting word, it is a verb. It has at least 2 meanings in the dictionary:

  1. To fully enjoy the taste or smell of something

  2. To fully enjoy a time or experience

The 7+ Highly Effective Morning Habits of a Happiness Coach

The 7+ Highly Effective Morning Habits of a Happiness Coach

Recently I had the opportunity to contribute to a feature in the Metro on Tips for better/happier/mentally healthier mornings. I submitted my morning Happy Life Habits and was very pleased that they used a few of them. I hope you find them useful and take action to apply them. We have trained many on Gratitude and Journaling. If you need support you know who to call (Not Ghostbusters but Shaileen at Happy Life Habits!).

What strategies do you use to keep calm through challenging situations?

What strategies do you use to keep calm through challenging situations?

On the Happy Life Habits Community Facebook Group we regularly share quotes, reflective / thought provoking questions, articles and events. We recently asked “What strategies do you use to keep calm through challenging situations?” and have a good response to it.

May prove to be useful this month as students get their “A” Level and “GCSE” results.



It is pretty much 30 years since I graduated from University. My son has just sat his “A” level exams hoping to embark on his university journey. There is a lot to reflect on and a lot has changed. Let’s focus on the last 6 months.

How are your New Year’s Resolutions going?

Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) 2022 Theme Loneliness

Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) 2022 Theme Loneliness

Resources to support Mental Health Awareness Week : Theme Loneliness include articles, videos and events.

Prassannachandra story from Jain Faith

Mental Health can manifest as physical issues

Mental Health Awareness Week 9 -15 May 2022 : Theme Loneliness

  • Articles, videos, events, resources

What are your strengths and why be aware of them?

What are your strengths and why be aware of them?

What are your strengths and why be aware of them?

  • What am I doing here?

    I hated every minute, every moment.

  • Patience is a virtue…

  • Marketing is about Values says Steve Jobs

  • Last 100 Days or so plus next 100 Days or so

  • Mental Health Awareness Week 9 -15 May 2022 : Theme Loneliness

  • Pay it Forward Fund

International Day of Happiness Virtual Festival hosted by Happy Life Habits

International Day of Happiness Virtual Festival  hosted by Happy Life Habits

I don’t know about you but I’ve been feeling a bit down, some grief and just unmotivated recently - not my normal self. I think it is a combination of the World news and happenings in Ukraine, personal and work challenges, the mid-life crisis I’ve been in for the last 10 years! and life in general. I am digging deep into my habits of gratitude, journaling, mindfulness, kindness and learning.