
Her Majesty The Queen 1926 - 2022 Happy Life Habits : Positive Grief : The Dash

Her Majesty The Queen 1926 - 2022     Happy Life Habits : Positive Grief : The Dash

I share this poem, The Dash, in the Happy Life Habits Positive Grief talks along with some science of what grief does to the brain, ways to cope with grief and help others.

The poem is short yet very powerful, timely and reflective.

Back to the Future: Creating memories to Savour

Back to the Future: Creating memories to Savour

The word savour (savor in American English) is an interesting word, it is a verb. It has at least 2 meanings in the dictionary:

  1. To fully enjoy the taste or smell of something

  2. To fully enjoy a time or experience

The 7+ Highly Effective Morning Habits of a Happiness Coach

The 7+ Highly Effective Morning Habits of a Happiness Coach

Recently I had the opportunity to contribute to a feature in the Metro on Tips for better/happier/mentally healthier mornings. I submitted my morning Happy Life Habits and was very pleased that they used a few of them. I hope you find them useful and take action to apply them. We have trained many on Gratitude and Journaling. If you need support you know who to call (Not Ghostbusters but Shaileen at Happy Life Habits!).

What strategies do you use to keep calm through challenging situations?

What strategies do you use to keep calm through challenging situations?

On the Happy Life Habits Community Facebook Group we regularly share quotes, reflective / thought provoking questions, articles and events. We recently asked “What strategies do you use to keep calm through challenging situations?” and have a good response to it.

May prove to be useful this month as students get their “A” Level and “GCSE” results.

What are your strengths and why be aware of them?

What are your strengths and why be aware of them?

What are your strengths and why be aware of them?

  • What am I doing here?

    I hated every minute, every moment.

  • Patience is a virtue…

  • Marketing is about Values says Steve Jobs

  • Last 100 Days or so plus next 100 Days or so

  • Mental Health Awareness Week 9 -15 May 2022 : Theme Loneliness

  • Pay it Forward Fund

International Day of Happiness Virtual Festival hosted by Happy Life Habits

International Day of Happiness Virtual Festival  hosted by Happy Life Habits

I don’t know about you but I’ve been feeling a bit down, some grief and just unmotivated recently - not my normal self. I think it is a combination of the World news and happenings in Ukraine, personal and work challenges, the mid-life crisis I’ve been in for the last 10 years! and life in general. I am digging deep into my habits of gratitude, journaling, mindfulness, kindness and learning.

Sometimes it’s just Mission Impossible

Sometimes it’s just Mission Impossible

Sometimes it feels like Mission Impossible with the projects and activities we have ongoing with Happy Life Habits at the moment (most are this month!) however the Life in 3 Acts sums up Happy Life Habits’ approach. This is what we have been up to or have on the near horizon.

  • The Self Care Infographic has been well received and shared. It has help my business clients connect with their clients including past clients.

  • Kids Happiness Boosters for Half Term (completely new)

  • Gratitude Journaling for Happiness Workshop with Mind In Enfield and Barnet

  • 30 Day Gratitude & Journal Habit Immersion Training Course

  • Happier Relationships with Happy Life Habits

  • HLH International Day of Happiness Global Virtual Festival

  • Master Mind Group focus on Learning

  • Initial discussions regarding HLH taking part in podcasts or speaking at community groups and companies

Self Care for Blue Monday

Self Care for Blue Monday

The 3rd Monday in January is known as Blue Monday when many people feel at their lowest, depressed and unhappy.

This is supposedly due to some factors occurring at a similar time which include Christmas being a fading memory, payday still a week away, January bills coming through, rest of the year still to go through, high hoped resolutions broken, cold, gloomy weather, pandemics, working in office/ from home, world crisis’ and such factors.

Looking Back, Looking Forward - HLH 2021 Review and 2022 Plans

Looking Back, Looking Forward - HLH 2021 Review and 2022 Plans

In this blog article:

  • HLH 2021 review

  • MasterMind Group 2021 Learning Segment : RCSI : The Science of Happiness & Health

  • MasterMind Group 2022 opportunity

  • A funny True story

11th November : Today I am reminded...

11th November : Today I am reminded...

I am reminded that memories creating and remembering are important…

Saturday 13th November is World Kindness Day. When we practice kindness we release the happy chemicals in ourselves, in those who receive the kind act and also in those who witness it. It’s what I call the Triple Whammy.

What is the difference between skills and values/qualities?

Looking Back, Looking Forward Workshop

Extra Time - How will you spend it

Extra Time - How will you spend it

What would you do if you had 60 mins more in the day?

More time on health, exercise, meditation, being with friends/family, sleeping, Netflix, working, learning?

Take a moment to really think.

Singing my Praises - 6 Month Review Happy Life Habits (HLH)

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Leadership Vs Management

My teenage son asked me if I thought he was a leader or a manager. He asked after I picked him up from school where he had an interview for head boy, a role he had put his name forward for. He had been asked the question. I answered I thought he was a leader, I asked what he had answered and it was the same. Then I asked what he thought the difference between the two was.

I shared with him some thoughts I have learnt over time from Stephen Covey, Robin Sharma, John Maxwell, Simon Sinek, Nick Williams and my own experience of leadership.

Some of this I had shared with Xerox The Women's Alliance (TWA): Xerox Women’s Alliance – UK & Ireland Chapter in the talk titled " The Role of Effective Selfcare in Positive Leadership".

"Leadership is an act not a position"
"Leadership is not about taking charge but looking after those in your charge" Simon Sinek
"Leadership is about bring out the best in the people you work with"

With my son I shared the difference between Leadership and Management using the Stephen Covey example of Management being about climbing a ladder and Leadership about making sure the ladder is against the right wall. I used example of management painting house - sanding correctly, applying primer, 2 coats and doing it properly. Leadership being making sure it is the correct house that is being painted.

"Management is doing things right. Leadership is doing the right things".

What are your thoughts on leadership and management?
Have you had any interesting conversations lately?

Singing my Praises - 6 Month Review Happy Life Habits (HLH)

I'm singing my praises, not to stroke my ego but to reaffirm to myself when sometimes I feel doubt, insecure, unmotivated or inspired. To remind why I get up in the morning and do what I do : Positively Impacting Happiness & Wellbeing Levels.

On 30th June we completed the 30 Day Happy Life Habits Gratitude & Habit Immersion Training Course. During the celebration calls the participants shared some of the changes that the had experienced - some were quite transformative. All rated the course excellent or very good.

With us being 6 months into the year I often take the opportunity to look back and to look forward - to review, reflect and remind.

6 Month Review:

In December just before the year end we had a Looking Back, Looking Forward Workshop - reflecting on last year and planning next. This was postponed from original date due to the death of my father in mid December.

We delivered 90 days of training through 3 instalments of the
30 Day HLH Gratitude & Journal Habit Immersion Course - this was Jan, Mar and June.

From Late Jan through Apr during lockdown; through 2 series; we supported with 12 consecutive weeks of Inspiration Point Podcast featuring amazing people sharing their journeys, One series was dedicated to Women, Mothers Day and International Women's Day.

In March we celebrated International Day of Happiness using the Wonder platform and having a variety of speakers, coaches, therapists, practitioners share in zones for Laughter, Relaxation, dealing with loss and conversations.

We took part in some talks with Healing Our Earth and SRMD in March and April

During May we supported Mental Health and Mental Health Awareness week (MHAW) with
Daily Videos - various groups
Events with Asian Parents Club before and after MHAW
Xerox The Womens Alliance talk
2 Happiness Booster sessions - one with Oshwal Connect
Daily quotes in Happy Life Habits Community Facebook group
Hosting a 21 Day Simple Living Challenge

Shared through various articles, blog post etc on Facebook, LinkedIn and the HLH website.

The Future continues with

Corp talks/workshops
Wellness event by Iglobal
Taking part in podcasts
Hosting more Inspiration Point Podcasts
Asian Parents Club sessions including one on Grief
HLH MasterMind Group - new exciting monthly project
30 Day HLH Gratitude & Journal Habit Immersion Course

What is one of your memorable, positive events, impacts, achievements from the last 6 months?

What are you looking forward to in remaining 6 months of the year?

The new and fun virtual event platform called Wonder that just turned 1 years old has a feature on Happy Life Habits in it’s July newsletter. We used Wonder for the International Day of Happiness event on 20th March 2020. as Happy Life Habits we are using it for various meetings and events.

Here is the write up.

"With a few simple adaptations to your routine, you can positively rewire your brain to bring high self-esteem, focus, and happiness into your everyday life."

Meet Shaileen Shah: the happiness coach trying to keep the business world an emotionally positive place. The founder of Happy Life Habits, Shaileen has a unique approach to personal development and the 'Science of Happiness'. A scientifically certified process that uses real life and digital gatherings to increase the 'feel good' chemical in the brain? Sign us up.

Q: Tell us about Happy Life Habits.
A: Happiness is a skill that can be learned and developed into empowering life habits. Happy Life Habits introduce off-screen practices and habits to rewire the brain and increase happiness levels. Developing an offline tool kit allows you to disconnect the practice from a fixed environment, and allow your brain and feelings to fully surface without distractions. We then use online check-ins to share the knowledge, reflect with others, and solidify the practice in a professional environment.

Q: Tell us about your last event.
A: Most of our events are currently online and we foresee a good proportion being so in the future. We have a 30 Day Gratitude & Journal Habit Immersion Training Course with a mix of live online sessions, a private Facebook group, and accountability via WhatsApp. The goal is to deliver content online but connect to your offline brain.

Q: Why are you using Wonder?
I used Wonder to create an event for International Day of Happiness on 20th March. I set up Areas for Laughter, Relaxation, Conversation, and Dealing with Loss; being able to define specific Areas for people to meet removes the awkward introductory periods in other online tools. It worked so well and people were immediately able to connect to like-minded individuals and approach whom they wanted to speak to. The experience lends itself to a natural environment for having conversations that stick with you after the laptop is closed. Because of the simple UX, easy setup, and Area control, my guests had a memorable and positive experience with Wonder, and made a positive connection to the material. It's the perfect platform for hybrid events.

Check out Happy Life Habits and join their upcoming training course on Happiness. Mention Wonder and get a discount ;)


Excited to join @iglobalmedia for its first-ever Great Big Indian Wellness Show, on 16 & 17 July 2021. Join me as I discuss “Happiness Habits” at the BIGGEST & BEST health and wellbeing event for the welfare of the modern British Indian. Book your free virtual seat today & don’t miss out to be a part of 2 riveting days of masterclasses, top tips and discussions at #iWellnessShow. Register NOW https://bit.ly/iGlobal-TheGreatBigIndianWellnessShow2021

I’ll be sharing on 17th at 16:25.

HLH events and activities

HLH MasterMind Group

HLH MasterMind Group

Happy Life Habits Mastermind Group

A place for a small group of like minded positive people each month to come together online, connect, support, inspire, share and cheer each other on in life's journey.

A segment for learning - a book, podcast, conversation, reflection or article that has inspired us.

A segment for brainstorming practical solutions to a problem that a member is facing, tapping into the collective wisdom of the group.

An opportunity to take consistent steps towards our goals within an environment that helps accelerate our learning, growth and progress.

Limited spaces.

We start on the 16th of July and run each month with virtual 90 min virtual meeting plus private Facebook Group.

Inspiration Point S4 Combo.png

Inspiration Point Podcast Series 4 confirmed for Autumn with another amazing line up. Booking and episode details will be available later this month.

A request dear friend and reader.

(1) If you have enjoyed some of the articles I have shared and found useful please reply to shaileen@happylifehabits.co.uk and let me know.

(2) If you are not a subscriber to the Happy Life Habits email list - please sign up.

(3) If you think someone else might benefit from this please share with them.

(4) If you want to engage my services for coaching, speaking or training get in touch and lets see if we can create a win-win result.

If you want to receive articles, information on events and support Happy Life Habits sign up to the join the email list.

Happy Life Habit Events

Happy Life Habits FaceBook Community Group

Happy Life Habits FaceBook Page

Instagram happylifehabits_hlh

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/shaileen-shah/

Shaileen Shah is a Happiness Coach, Speaker and Trainer. Previously having been in finance technology for the investment banking arm of RBS during the RBS takeover of Natwest, the RBS takeover of ABN Ambro and the financial crisis he has experienced the challenges brought by uncertainty, change and stress. He is certified in The Science of Happiness and shares through Happy Life Habits. Happy Life Habits Positively Impacts Happiness & Well Being Levels by creatively and uniquely combining Personal Development + The Science of Happiness + Spirituality. A business for Good. For more information see HappyLifeHabits.co.uk.